Thursday, July 8, 2010

A new take on life

I took a break from this blog feeling defeated as I'm sure many do with this syndrom. However, I come back with a new feeling, a feeling of possibility.

After trying natural progestrone and being completely let down by the results I took a break from the world of PCOS. I almost wonder if it was more of a "if I ignore it maybe it will go away." Of course, that didn't happen. My husband and I started talking about talking with my doctor about trying to conceive. I spent some time researching and met with my doctor who decided to put me on clomid because I haven't ovulated since I've been off of birth control.

I started doing tons of research, because this is what I do when I start something new. I started researching clomid, researching PCOS and clomid, how to take care of my body to get pregnant...the list goes on and on. I started taking a multi-vitamin with folic acid and my doctor had told me to start B6 to help with cervical mucus observations while on clomid. The more I researched the more I realized my body was no where ready to handle a child. Not only was I not ovulating, but my nutrition was no where where it was supposed to be. I was supposed to take vitamins long before the month we decided to try to conceive. What else did I need to do? Then I started thinking, maybe I could solve this without using clomid.

Of course I started researchin and ran across the PCOS Challenge website and found her podcast. I learned a ton from that little podcast. I learned what was going on in my body more, I learned about diet, fertility, natural solutions. I also looked at the Pulling Down the Moon institute in Chicago which specializes in natural solutions for PCOS.

So what have I learned from all this research. Well, only time will tell, but here is what I have started.

1. Exercise - it is probably the most important thing. I have started the Couch to 5K program and am 3 weeks away from being able to run a complete 5K. I find as many things as possible to do throughout the week running every other day.
2. Diet - I've started the Metabolism Miracle Diet by Diane Kress. I've heard some phenomenal things about this diet. I don't have a lot of weight to loose, but I definitely have fat to loose. She is a dietician and her book directly talks about PCOS. It is possible this alone could help turn my numbers around.
3. Yoga - I've ordered a DVD that is specifically dedicated to Yoga and Fertility. This was one of the recommendations from Pulling Down the Moon. Relaxation is something everyone needs when trying to conceive.
4. I'm thinking about seeing a Naturopathic Doctor to add some herbs to my regimin. I think that this could be the last straw that pulls everything together.
5. Massage/Accupuncture - Two things that were mentioned in Pulling Down The Moon. In North Dakota there is no specific accupuncturist for fertility, but I believe that even a regular accupuncturist has some benefits.

Will it all work? I have no idea. I feel that this is a step in the right direction. The more I thought about it the more I felt that Clomid should be much more of a last resort than it has been. It's not going to be easy doing all this on a regular basis, especially when I go back to school. However, I feel this is a step in the right direction and could prove to be beneficial for others.

I also am thinking about the fact that I don't have PCOS that bad. I have some Acne and Irregular periods with my FSH and LH levels reversed. However, I do not suffer from obesity, hirstuism, hair loss, or the entourage of other symptoms. I really feel this should be able to be regulated with diet and exercise. We'll see how things go and I will post in about a month.